5 Min Read

Web3, often hailed as the “internet of value,” is redefining the online experience by shifting control from centralized entities to individual users. Unlike its predecessor, Web2, where user data and interactions were controlled by tech giants, Web3 empowers users to…

4 Min Read

The change I witnessed in myself in the first five days of meditation at the ashram in India was phenomenal, and one thing came out loud from inside—why would you live the way you were living if you can live…

9 Min Read

Building a startup is tough. And, building a web3 startup? Even tougher. The stakes are high, and the markets are extremely volatile. As a founder, it requires unwavering grit, audacity, resilience, a keen eye for trends, and a deep understanding…

4 Min Read

As an investment analyst at TDeFi, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with a range of Web3 startups, helping them refine their strategies and position themselves for success in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape. One thing has become abundantly…

5 Min Read

Having spent years as an investment analyst at TDeFi, working closely with Web3 startups, I’ve reviewed hundreds of pitch decks. One thing that consistently stands out is how well a deck can communicate the vision with clarity, which comes not…